Saturday, March 28, 2009

What it's like to be an mma fighter

The sport of mma fighting has been one of the
toughest things i have ever done in my entire

Never in my life have i met people that fought
so hard to prove something to people and
become known.

In this sport you have to train like a madman
to get into shape for your fights, and to keep
in shape for sparring and other training.

Training and sparring pretty much consist of being
taught what to do and then put it into sparring.

Sparring is a mock fight between you and another
fighter, you do hit each other, but not all out,
punching, kicking, takedowns, and submission

Submission moves are pretty much moves that
cause the other fighter to give up, or you break
whatever you have a hold of.

The training for this sport is very grueling and
very exhasting and sometimes painful, but that
is the price to be paid for being an mma fighter.

When i was getting ready for the fight, i would
sometimes do my cardio outside in 102 degree
summer weather, i would get looks like" is this
guy fuckin' crazy?"
I would just grin and keep training.

Getting ready for the fights was pretty
intense, we would hit each other a little harder
and train a little while longer to make sure we
where ready for the fight.

The fights themselves where something else,
the roar of the crowd, the butterflies before
the match. the thrill of the fighting.

If you fought hard and won, it was great, but
if you lose it really fuckin' hurts alot!!!

Well i hope you enjoyed this blog, and it gives
you some idea about being an mma fighter, got
any questions or comments just leave them at